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Deletion Requires An Existing Variable: A MATLAB Challenge and How to Overcome It


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Deletion Requires An Existing Variable.

There's a couple ways to accomplish deleting environment variables. Of course, if it was a variable you created using the method outlined in the 2nd part of the series, you know exactly what to delete. However, this is another instance where knowing how to list out the existing variables is critically important to ensure you delete the correct environment variable, or to guarantee that your deletion method is actually doing something.

Object deletion requires that all references to an object areremoved. There is no way of doing this without checking each objectin the document. So object deletion requires that every object inthe document is loaded and for large documents this may place asignificant load on the server. Reading encrypted documents placesa greater load on the server because - like object deletion - itrequires that every object in the document be loaded.

  • hi E,take a look Note 792779 - Report ANALYZE_RSZ_TABLESif you have problem, try to search oss notes with rszdelete keyword, e.g 967203 NW04s: RSZDELETE does not delete referenced workbooks hope this helps.Report performs checks in the tables containing the parts of the definitions of queries and query components: RSRREPDIR, RSZCOMPDIR, RSZCOMPIC, RSZGLOBV, RSZELTDIR, RSZELTXREF and RSZELTTXT.1. Table RSRREPDIRThe table RSRREPDIR is a header table of the generated reports. Consistency of query definition in this table allows to select a query in the Open Dialogs of fronted application and to call report generated for this particular query using transaction RSRT.The following errors can be found:- queries with missing definition;- queries with missing GENUNIID;- queries with technical names different than in RSZCOMPDIR;- non-queries in the table.1.1 Queries with missing definitionThe queries are available only in the table RSRREPDIR and not found in the table RSZELTDIR in the corresponding object version. Such queries (in active version) can be accessed only from RSRT transaction. An attempt to execute such query will return the short dump 'Exception condition INCONSISTENCY'. The error also happens during query generation in RSRT or during mass regeneration of the queries using RSR_GEN_DIRECT_ALL_QUERIES report or application menu of transaction RSRT. The inconsistent queries can not be repaired because of missing query definitions. The recommended solution is to delete those records in order to avoid the possible system dumps.1.2 Queries with missing GENUNIIDQueries having empty GENUNIID field in the table RSRREPDIR. Such queries may be available in the frontend and in RSRT transaction. An attempt to execute such query will return the message 'GENUNIID not found'. Situation requires additional investigation at SAP. Create an OSS message for BW-BEX-ET-QDEF.1.3 Queries with technical names different than in RSZCOMPDIRThe check outputs the queries which have different technical names in the RSRREPDIR and RSZCOMPDIR tables. Execution of a query using the technical name given in Query Designer and stored in the table RSZCOMPDIR will return the error message 'GENUNIID not found'. The system tries to find the corresponding GENUNIID for the wrong COMPID which does not exist in the system or which belong to another query. The recommended solution is to correct the wrong COMPID in the table RSRREPDIR via corresponding procedure.1.4 Non-queries in the tableThe table RSRREPDIR normally contains only reports. Query elements of other types should not exist in this table and can be deleted. In case, when such records exist in the table an attempt to access them in RSRT returns the error message 'GENUNIID not found'. The recommended solution is to delete those records from the table using the corresponding procedure.2. Table RSZCOMPICThe table RSZCOMPIC contains an InfoProvider assignment for queries and other reusable query components (STR, RKF and CKF).The following errors can be found:- local elements in RSZCOMPIC;- components with inconsistent definition;- components based on non-existing InfoProviders;- components based on non-active InfoProviders.2.1 Local elements in RZSCOMPICThe table RSZCOMPIC contains an InfoProvider assignment for the reusable components. The local elements and also variables have no InfoProvider assignment and should not exist in this table. Those elements can be deleted via corresponding procedure.2.2 Components with inconsistent definitionThe reusable queries or query components existing in the table RSZCOMPIC, but not found in the table RSZELTDIR. Those reusable components may return 'Exception condition INCONSISTENCY' dump during accessing/execution. The situation may have different outcomes and has to be investigated at SAP. Create an OSS message for BW-BEX-ET-QDEF.2.3 Components based on non-existing InfoProvidersQueries or query components are assigned to the InfoProviders which do not exist anymore in the system. Queries without InfoProvider are not available in Open Dialogs of frontend applications, but can be executed in RSRT. The execution will return the error message 'InfoProvider not found'. The recommended solution is to delete the unnecessary components. Deletion of these queries or query components can be done directly from the list using corresponding procedure similar to RSZDELETE transaction.2.4 Components based on non-active InfoProvidersQueries or query components which are assigned to the InfoProviders which do not exist in the system in the active version. Queries without active InfoProvider are not available in Open Dialogs of frontend applications. In case, an affected query is technically consistent, an attempt to execute it in transaction RSRT will return the message 'Activate the XXX InfoCube / InfoProvider again. Message #BRAIN 056'. Quite often this error is combined with other errors like missing GENUNIID in the RSRREPDIR or other inconsistencies. Each case has to be investigated in order to get the current status of this object. If the affected query is useless, it can be deleted from the system using transaction RSZDELETE.The check is available only for the query elements in object version 'A' (active).3. Table RSZCOMPDIRThe table RSZCOMPDIR is the directory table containing the main properties of all reusable components.The following errors can be found:- duplicated technical names (COMPID);- components with inconsistent definition;- components without InfoProvider assignment;- components with missing OWNER;- components without technical name (COMPID);- components with technical names also used by InfoObjects.3.1 Duplicated technical names (COMPID)The check outputs queries or other reusable query components which have duplicated technical names (COMPID).The error does not cause any dumps in ABAP or terminations in Query Designer, but may cause several symptoms in different reporting areas:different queries are available in BEX Analyzer and RSRT under the same name;wrong query is used as Data Source for Web Template (Web Reporting, Reporting Agent, Broadcasting, MDX);replacement of variables does not work... etc.For additional details of the error and possible error symptoms see the OSS note 907025.The recommended solution is to provide a new technical name for the duplicated component using corresponding procedure.ATTENTION: in case when there are only 2 components with the duplicated technical name, only one of those 2 components can be renamed using the corresponding procedure.The alternative solution for renaming the duplicated technical names is to use the ABAP report RENAME_DUPLICATE_ELEMENTS.3.2 Components with inconsistent definitionReusable query components which are not found in the element directory table RSZELTDIR are displayed. This situation may cause the short dump 'Exception condition INCONSISTENCY' during accessing the affected component in Query Designer or execution the affected query in RSRT. Further investigations are required at SAP. Create an OSS note for the SAP component BW-BEX-ET-QDEF.3.3 Components without InfoProvider assignmentAll reusable query component (except variables) should be assigned to a particular InfoProvider. This assignment is located in the table RSZCOMPIC. When the record is not found in this table, the affected component may become not available in Query Designer in the corresponding InfoProvider. In some cases the error message "Component XXX.. (version A) has no InfoCube assignment". Further investigations are required at SAP. Create an OSS note for the SAP component BW-BEX-ET-QDEF.3.4 Components with empty ONWER fieldReusable components which have empty OWNER field in the table RSZCOMPDIR are accessible by users having $USER setting in the authorization object S_RS_COMP1 (users which are authorized to their own queries or query components). This leads to authorization concept violation.For error solution the field OWNER in the RSZCOMPDIR should be filled with any value. Execute the corresponding edit mode in order to fill the empty field with user 'SAP'. This will prevent the potential authorization violation for users with $USER setting and will take no effect on the users without this setting.3.5 Components without technical name (COMPID)Reusable components must have a user provided technical name (COMPID) in the corresponding field of the table RSZCOMPDIR. In a situation when the COMPID field is empty, the corresponding reusable component can not be used correctly by Query Designer and OLAP. Several different error message are possible.For error solution the field COMPID has to be filled. Create an OSS message for SAP component BW-BEX-ET-QDEF.3.6 Components with technical name (COMPID) used also by InfoobjectsThe error situation with possible solutions is described in details in the OSS note 907025.4. Table RSZELTXREFThe table RSZELTXREF contains all links and dependencies between the query elements within a query or query component.The following errors can be found:- missing elements (INCONSISTENCY dump);- not supported relations between query elements;- extended RSZELTXREF check.4.1 Missing elementsMissing elements are those query elements which exist as the dependant objects (field TELTUID) in the table RSZELTXREF, but not available in the element directory table RSZELTDIR in corresponding object version. In case, when such elements are used in any query or other query components (STR, CKF or RKF), this may lead to ABAP short dump with 'Exception condition INCONSISTENCY' error message in query run-time or design-time. Other known symptoms of this error is, that structures, calculated key figures or restricted key figures are not available in an Info Provider in Query Designer during design-time.The missing elements which are in use in other queries or query components, can not be automatically repaired or deleted without components where those elements are used. In most cases the manual repair operations directly in the DB tables are required. Create an OSS message for SAP component BW-BEX-ET-QDEF for further investigations and creation of a repair plan.The missing elements which are not in use in any query or query components, can be deleted from the system via corresponding delete procedure. This deletion will not affect any existing query or query component.ATTENTION: if missing element is variable, it can be repaired in some cases automatically using the corresponding repair procedure. See table RSZGLOBV check 5.1. 'Variables with inconsistent definition' for details.4.2 Not supported relations between query elementsSome relations between query elements which are not supported and can cause dumps in ABAP or terminations in Query Designer (for example link STR VAR). Such cases have to be additionally investigated at SAP. Create an OSS message for SAP component BW-BEX-ET-QDEF.4.3 Extended RSZELTXREF checkThe extended RSZELTXREF check outputs 2 situations which, in combination with other conditions in the system, may be responsible for slow performance of all operations which involve select from the table RSZELTXREF and resolving the relations between query elements (query load, query generation, expanding of a variable list for corresponding InfoObject, expanding of a list of reusable components in Query Designer,... etc.):- records without INFOCUBE assignment;- records with WRONG infocube assignment;- records which are not used in any query or query component.Records without INFOCUBE assignmentThe current algorithm of resolving of relations between the query elements uses an optimization which allows to reduce the amount of data selected from the table RSZELTXREF during such operations are query load, query generate, expand a list of reusable components (STR, CKF, RKF) and so on. All relations between query elements within one reusable component based on one InfoProvider 'N' are also located within the same InfoProvider. The system has to select only records where the INFOCUBE field contains the same InfoProvider 'N' and in addition to this all other records where the INFOCUBE field is empty. This is necessary, because in all BW releases below 3.x the INFOCUBE field was not in the RSZELTXREF table and all components created before 3.x release have this field empty. Selection of records with empty INFOCUBE is required in order to ensure the consistency of processed query.When the number of records with empty INFOCUBE is quite large (50.000 - 1 mln records), any simple operation which require resolving of the relations may take a long time, because those records are always being selected, loaded to Query Designer and processed in the design-time.See also notes 823804, 859086, 863505 and 869809.Records with WRONG INFOCUBE assignmentThe records wrongly assigned to another INFOCUBE can not be found during query (or query component) load. This leads to different error messages showing inconsistent status of the corresponding query.Wrongly assigned records can be reassigned using special procedure available in the report. See note 859086.Records which are not used in any query or query componentThe program makes a virtual attempt to reconstruct the table RSZELTXREF via resolving the relations between all reusable components existing in the system. All records which are not used in any query or query components are considered as non-used records. Usually these are fragments of old queries or other components which are not deleted due to former errors in the query delete algorithm.The current version of the program contain only information about those 2 issues. See the OSS note 823804 for additional information.ATTENTION: the extended RSZELTXREF check is recommended when all critical problems with reusable components are resolved and the system clean-up is done (no useless records in the tables, no useless non-executable queries or other affected query component available).Starting from SP28 for BW 30B, SP22 for BW 31C and SP14 for BW 3.5 the Extended RSZELTXREF check detects and fixes the following situations:records used in existing queries or query components with empty INFOCUBE field;records used in existing queries or query components with wrong INFOCUBE assignment;records with or without INFOCUBE assignment which are not used in any query or query component.For further check details read the OSS note 859086.5. Table RSZGLOBVThe table RSZGLOBV contains the definitions and technical properties of the variables.The following errors can be found:- variables with inconsistent definition;- variables with missing or incorrect properties.5.1 Variables with inconsistent definition. Variable not found in RSZELTDIR/RSZCOMPDIR tables.The variable existing in the table RSZGLOBV, but not existing in the tables RSZELTDIR or RSZCOMPDIR have inconsistent definition. These situation may return 2 different error messages. When a variable is missing in RSZELTDIR table (or in both together), an attempt to expand a list of variable under a corresponding InfoProvider or a list of text/formula variables will return a message 'Inconsistency in loading...'. All variables which are created for corresponding InfoProvider, text/formula variable are not available. When a variable is missing in the RSZCOMPDIR table only the error message is 'Missing UID XXXXXX... in RSZCOMPDIR! You may continue to work, but this component is not loaded' in Query Designer.In both cases the variables can be repaired via the corresponding procedure provided in the program under the technical name (COMPID) corresponding to the name in VNAM field in the table RSZGLOBV with the text 'REPAIRED BY SAP'.As an alternative solution, when the affected variables which are not used in any query or query component can be deleted directly from the RSZGLOBV table. Both solutions will fix the reported symptoms.ATTENTION: it is recommended to open a repaired variable in Variable Wizard of Query Designer and to adjust the definition of this variable, when it is necessary.ATTENTION: deletion of the affected variables missing in the table RSZCOMPDIR is not possible using transaction RSZDELETE. An attempt to delete such variable will return the error message 'Component not found'.5.2 Variables with missing or incorrect propertiesSeveral errors can be found within this check. The variables of different type have their own sets of properties. Missing or incorrect properties may cause different error message during execution of a query where such variables are in use. In the case of the affect variables with processing type 'replacement' , the replacement may not work because of the problem.Each case has to be investigated at SAP. Create an OSS message for SAP component BW-BEX-ET-QDEF.6. Table RSZELTDIRThe table RSZELTDIR is the main directory table containing all query elements available in the system.ATTENTION: the RSZELTDIR check may take a long running time depending upon the table size.The following errors can be found:- local elements not in use;- reusable elements not in RSZCOMPDIR table;- reusable elements not in RSZCOMPIC table;- structure (STR) without structure members;- selections or RKF without definition in RSZSELECT table;- formulas or CKF without definition in RSZCALC table;- variables (VAR) without definition in RSZGLOBV table;- queries (REP) without entries in RSRREPDIR table.6.1 Local elements not in useLocal elements (field REUSABLE = false) which are not used as dependant objects in the table RSZELTXREF. These elements are useless and not accessible from Query Designer. Usually these are fragments of the definitions of old queries accumulated in system because of different problems with save/delete procedures which are not accessible by the end users. The recommended solution is to delete those elements using the corresponding delete procedure.6.2 Reusable elements not in RSZCOMPDIR tableReusable elements (field REUSABLE = true) must have a corresponding entry in the table RSZCOMPDIR which contains the definition and properties of this reusable component. An attempt to load such component in Query Designer may cause the error message 'Missing UID XXXXXX... in RSZCOMPDIR! You may continue to work, but this component is not loaded'. Additional investigations are requires at SAP. Create an OSS message for BW-BEX-ET-QDEF.ATTENTION: Deletion of such affected components is also not possible using transaction RSZDELETE. An attempt to delete will return the message 'Component not found'.6.3 Reusable elements not in RSZCOMPIC tableReusable elements (field REUSABLE = true), except variables (DEFTP = 'VAR'), must have a corresponding entry in the table RSZCOMPIC which contains an InfoProvider assignment for reusable components. When a reusable component has no InfoProvider assignment it may be not available in Query Designer during design-time. Additional investigations are required at SAP. Create an OSS message for BW-BEX-ET-QDEF. In case the affected component is useless, it can be also deleted from the system using transaction RSZDELETE.6.4 Structures (STR) without structure membersReusable and non-reusable structures (DEFTP = 'STR') should have dependant elements (structure members). When these structure members are not found a query containing this structure returns the error message 'Element structure not correct' during generation or execution in RSRT or BEx analyzer. The program outputs a query technical name where such structures are used or the technical name of an InfoProvider if the affected structure is reusable and not used in any query. In this case it can be accessed from any query created in the same InfoProvider in Query Designer. The solution is to open the affected structure in using the latest available version of Query Designer and to create the required structure members in order to avoid the error message.In case, when the affecter structure is local (non-reusable) and is not used in any query, this structure is not accessible by frontend users and can be deleted from the system by corresponding procedure provided in the program.6.5 Local selection of RKFs without records in RSZSELECT tableLocal selections and reusable Restricted Key Figure (DEFTP = 'SEL') usually should have the corresponding records in the DB table RSZSELECT. The program outputs all selections found in the system which have no corresponding records in the RSZSELECT table.Usually this issue has no impact on the existing queries and produces no error messages. There are 3 possible types of selections within a query:Normal selection - this selection represents a characteristic in Row, Columns or Free Characteristics area, Conditions or Exceptions. This situation produces no error messages, but the selection is not taken into account by OLAP.Dummy structure member - structure member type selection can be defined using Query Designer. Such structure member produces no selection and can be used only as place holder within a query. This situation produces no error messages during generation/execution of a query containing a structure with those dummy structure members.Cell selection - this type of selection is usually used as Cell selection and can be defined using Cell Editor in Query Designer. This situation produces no error messages, but the selection is not taken into account by OLAP.If it is necessary, the selection definition can adjusted using the latest available version of Query Designer. The affected local selections can be accessed from the queries presented in the WHERE-USED (INFOCUBE/QUERY). The Restricted Key Figures are available in Query Designer from any query created on the corresponding InfoProvider.In case, when a local selection is not used in any query or query components the recommended solution is to delete this selection using the corresponding delete procedure.6.6 Local formulas of CKFs without records in RSZCALC tableLocal formulas (DEFTP = 'FML') or Calculated Key Figures (DEFTP = 'CKF') should contain definition of the calculations in the table RSZCALC. When such definition is not found in the table RSZCALC the queries or query components which include those affected objects can not be generated or executed by OLAP. An attempt to generate such query returns the error message 'The (sub) formula XXX... is not available'.The definitions of the affected formulas or Calculated Key Figures can be adjusted using the latest available version of Query Designer. The adjustment of a local formula is possible from the corresponding query listed presented in the program. The Calculated Key Figures are available in Query Designer from any query created on the corresponding InfoProvider.In case, when a local formula is not used in any query or query components the recommended solution is to delete this formula using the corresponding delete procedure.6.7 Variables without records in RSZGLOBV tableVariables (DEFTP = 'VAR') should exist in the table RSZGLOBV. The table RSZGLOBV contains all processing properties and definition of the variables. Query where such variables are used can not be executed without problems.The repair procedure is not possible, because of missing definition. In case, when such variable is not used in any query, the recommended solution is to delete it from the system in order to avoid potential problems. If the affected variable is already used in other queries or query components, create an OSS message for SAP component BW-BEX-ET-QDEF. Further investigations and possible repair plan have to be created at SAP.6.8 Queries without records in RSRREPDIR tableQueries (DEFTP = 'REP') should exist in the table RSRREPDIR. The table RSRREPDIR is a header table of generated reports and also a part of the database view V_REP_JOIN which provides data for the BEx Open/Save Dialogs.A query which does not exist in the table RSRREPDIR is not accessible via RSRT transaction (error message 'GENUNIID not found') and not displayed in the Open/Save Dialogs of fronted applications.The recommended solution is to delete such queries using the corresponding procedure provided in the program and similar to RSZDELETE.In some cases the repair procedure is also possible. The success of the repair procedure depends upon the consistency of the affected query, the existence of a valid InfoProvider for this query and some other factors. For repair attempt create an OSS message for the SAP component BW-BEX-ET-QDEF.7. Table RSZELTTXTThe table RSZELTTXT is the table containing all language dependent text of query elements.Checks of the table RSZELTTXT are available together eith the checks of the table RSZELTDIR.The following errors can be found:- lost line-break symbols for translated query elements;- errors in texts containing texts variables.Further details and possible solutions of those 2 checks are given in the OSS note 853826.\",\"author\":\"username\":\"edwin.harpino\",\"displayName\":\"Edwin Harpino\",\"groupIcons\":[],\"suspended\":false,\"isCurrentUser\":false,\"id\":2403629,\"posted\":1179887435000,\"votes\":0,\"isAccepted\":false,\"isLocked\":false,\"userVoted\":\"\",\"relations\":\"canCancelAccept\":false,\"canUnlock\":false,\"canUseDelete\":false,\"canVoteDownOrCancel\":false,\"canLock\":false,\"canAccept\":false,\"type\":\"answer\",\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"isCurrentUserAuthor\":false,\"attachments\":[]}]"), answerForm: formAction: "/answers/2403570/post.json", textareaName: "body", textareaErrors: "", isAttachmentsEnabled: true, answerEditorialGuideline: title: "Before answering", content: "You should only submit an answer when you are proposing a solution to the poster\'s problem. 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